Visit Uganda see cats family in the jungle, A cat is classified as a vertebrate animal that is a mammal. Specifically, cats belong to kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordate, subphylum Vertebrata, class Mammalian, order Carnivore, family Felidae, genus Felis, and species cactus. Cats are vertebrates because they have an internal backbone and skeleton. Species in this family include; the Cheetah, the serval, the lion, the leopard, the caracal, and desert / wild cat
One of the best things about cats is that they are very independent creatures. Unlike dogs, who require quite a high level of attention each day, cats are quite happy to have time to themselves. In fact, cats will sleep for about 15 hours a day so you don’t have to worry about them being too bored when you’re at work. But with king its sleeps about 16 to 20 hours a day.
Description. Pumas are large, secretive cats. They are also commonly known as cougars and mountain lions, and are able to reach larger sizes than some other “big” cat individuals. Despite their large size, they are more closely related to smaller feline species than to lions or leopards.
Weakness describes a lack of power and energy available to the body. In cats, evidence of weakness includes fatigue after activity, difficulty executing athletic movements, asymmetry in the position of the body, difficulty rising, muscle shaking, and difficulty holding up the head.
The family Felidae consists of at least 36 wild cat species. These felids are morphologically similar with Flat faces, facial whiskers, large eyes and ears. They have the widest range of body sizes of all living carnivore families, weighing 1 kilogram (kg) to 300 kg.
Felidae is a family of mammals in the order carnivore, colloquially referred to as cats. A member of this family is called a felid. The term “cat” refers both to felids in general and specifically to domestic cats.
All cats both domestic and wild, share similar body characteristics. These include flexible bodies with muscular limbs and tongues that are covered with spiky papillae to help with their grooming and to rasp meat from their prey.
I n uganda has a country we host many cats species like the cheetah in Kidepo valley national park, Pian Upe game reserve and lions, caracal, wild cat, serval and leopard are easily seen Murchison falls and Queen Elizabeth national parks.